Filling a position at your medical office, dental practice or health care facility can be a difficult task, even if you have an influx of qualified applicants. At times it can seem as though none of the resumes you are reviewing match your requirements or needs. You do interview after interview and while each person may have his or her own positive qualities, you aren't 100 percent sure any of them would be an ideal fit. The problem is you need the position filled now. So, do you compromise and hire someone you hope will work out? Do you keep interviewing applicants to see if anyone might stand out above the rest?
In actuality, you don't have to do either. All you need to do is figure out exactly what position you want filled, what specific qualifications you are looking for and then you'll have a much easier time finding your ideal candidate.
The Importance of Figuring Out Exactly What You Want
While reading this you may say, "Well I know exactly what I want, I want a physical therapist for my outpatient clinic." Well, if you are having trouble finding one, it's likely you haven't figured out the specific qualifications you want met. Maybe you are uncertain as to whether you need an additional PT or you simply need a PTA (Physical Therapist Assistant)? Perhaps you need a dentist, but aren't completely sure if you want to hire an employee or an associate? Do you want someone with experience in orthopedic physical therapy or pediatric? Would a PT with geriatric therapy experience be more suitable to meet your current needs than a PT who is knowledgeable in neurological therapy? These uncertainties can prevent you from being able to fill a much-needed position, or worse yet, hiring a person who is not going to work out.
Extra Cheese, Pepperoni, Veggie Supreme?
Look at it this way...filing a position is like ordering a pizza. You can't call a pizza delivery place and say you want a pizza, but not tell them the type of toppings. Do you want extra cheese? Light sauce? Are you a meat-lover and want pepperoni or sausage? It could be a veggie supreme is more to your liking. You might even be looking for rare toppings only certain pizza places offer. You have to be very specific with what you want or you are probably going to be unhappy with your order, or not end up order anything at all.
Break Through the Barriers to Hiring and Get Your Positions Filled
Although it may seem daunting at times, hiring doesn't have to be complicated and you don't need to settle. Being specific about what you need and want in an employee or associate will often allow you to break through any of the apparent barriers you've been encountering in the hiring process and get your position filled.
If you only want to hire applicants who have completed certain training programs or been certified by specific organizations, you'll need to make it known to potential candidates, in ads, on job posting boards and with any headhunters whose services you retain. Should you be looking for an applicant with more than 15 years experience in a specified field, don't be afraid to say so. The person you want is out there. Whether you are looking for a dentist, physical therapist, physical therapist assistant, occupational therapist, speech language pathologist, RN or other health care professional, you can find the person ideally-suited for you and your group. You just need to know what you want.
The People Link is a professional recruitment service specializing in finding and placing qualified healthcare candidates around the nation. To find out about the services we offer, please visit our website or call 818-890-9998 for a free, no-obligation consultation.