Searching for a new job is not necessarily a simple task. While sometimes it can be a piece of cake to secure a new job, other times a job search can be a long, drawn out process. If you're currently looking for a new job, wanting to transition in your existing career field or simply need a change of pace, ...you may be wondering what's the difference between you and other people who seem to find new jobs with ease?
Well, believe it or not, there's no secret or magic formula. Securing your ideal job is pretty straight-forward and job seekers who succeed all possess certain qualities and take key actions:
Have Self-Determination
One of the most important qualities a successful job seeker must have is self-determination. You need to be 100% dedicated to finding your ideal job and determined to overcome any obstacles in your path. You cannot waiver or come across as uncertain. Even with assistance from outside sources, it will be your self-determination that will help you secure the job you seek.
Have you ever decided you were going to achieve some goal, whether in school or in life, and then set out to do so, refusing to let anything get in your way? Well, that's what you need to do when you're looking for a new job. Don't let obstacles get in your way. Don't let minor issues cloud your judgement. If you want a new job, your success in finding one will be as a direct result of your self-determination.
Now, this doesn't mean you have to do it all on your own. Using resources at your disposal is a smart way to achieve your goal. You should also keep in mind; employers are looking for individuals who are self-starters and self-determined. These qualities are extremely valuable in the workplace and are something every successful job seeker has demonstrated.
Be Specific About What You Want and Need
Another quality found in successful job seekers is they are not afraid to be specific about what they need and want. They know what kind of position they seek, they know the level of income they require, and they know the type of work environment in which they thrive.
If you aren't specific about what you need and want from a job or career, you could either end up wasting your time and that of many employers or you might find yourself settling for a position simply so you'll "have a job". Neither of these options are viable.
Research out the position and company before you submit your resume. If the company seems like it could be a good match, then go ahead and submit your resume and reach out to secure a job interview. When you do get an interview, be polite and professional, but don't be afraid to be specific about what you want and need. A smart hiring manager or executive will recognize this as a positive quality and will be able to let you know whether it is something they can do. If it is, great. If it isn't, thank them and move on to the next potential employer.
Don't waste anymore time there or comprise your integrity because you think it might be the best you can find. It's either what you want in a job or it isn't. It's that simple.
Treat Everyone You Encounter as a Potential Future Asset
A successful job seeker always treats everyone they encounter as a potential future asset. You never know when you may encounter the person you just interviewed with or whether the person greeting you at the front reception desk is the receptionist, the office manager or the boss him/herself. Be polite, be kind and be respectful.
It's not uncommon for people in the same profession to know each other, have worked together in the past, or have a working relationship currently. While you may not accept a position at one location, you might find the person you just spoke with is the brother or sister or business partner of the hiring manager at your ideal job. Burn the first bridge and you won't make it to the next one.
Successful job seekers always treat everyone they encounter as a potential future asset. You would be wise to do the same.
Be Patient
Last, but definitely not least, you must be patient while searching for a new job. In most cases, job searches are a numbers game. If you don't get yourself and your resume out there, you're never going to find your ideal job. Yes, word of mouth can play a role, but unless you've already got a position lined up through a friend, colleague or past employer, you need to make yourself known.
It also helps to keep track of when and where you sent your resume. This way, you can follow up if needed, you can avoid submitting your resume to the same place twice, and you can determine whether your resume is getting results or not.
Stay Positive
While it's not uncommon for a job seeker to feel drained or defeated when the job search seems to be taking longer than he or she would like, it's important to stay positive. Your positive attitude and good nature will come through in your job interviews. Positivity also goes hand-in-hand with self-determination. A determined individual will not let obstacles stand in his or her way. If what you are doing doesn't seem to be getting the results you want, make a change.
The key to being a successful job seeker is to stay positive, be patient, treat everyone you meet as a potential asset, keep your integrity in on what you need and want (don't settle for mediocre), then…most of all…be 100% determined to get your ideal job.
If you are currently in search of a job in the Allied Healthcare or Dental fields and you need a little assistance, whether it be with finding the ideal job or updating your resume, we are here to help. Start by going online and taking a look at our current job listings or call Mya today at 818-890-9998 to discuss your options. You'll be glad you did!