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Job Seekers: The Ball Really Is In Your Court

Your Interview Checklist

We understand that, as a job seeker, there are times when it may seem like things might not be going your way. You've been looking and looking and, although you've gone on a number of interviews, none of the positions seem like quite the right fit. The problem is you need to find work but, at the same time, you don't want to settle. So, what do you do?

First of all, don't fret. While searching for a new job can be frustrating, there's one thing you need to keep in mind at all times…the ball really is in your court. It's true. You are in control of your future. You deserve to find the job best suited to your needs and career objectives. You deserve to be happy.

Here are some tips that can help you nail down the opportunities laid out before you and allow you to pick the one ideal for you.

Don't Waste Opportunities

Before you begin the interview process, you need to know exactly what you want. Figure out the type of position you're interested in, the salary you're willing to accept, the hours you want, the benefits you seek, the type of patients you want to treat (i.e. pediatrics, geriatrics, general patients, etc.), how far you're willing to travel and more. Doing this ahead of time will help ensure you don't waste opportunities.

The last thing you want to do is miss out on a great opportunity because you took too long to decide, or you were uncertain if a particular position met all your needs.

Play It Smart

While it's important to not waste opportunities, you need to also play it smart when you're going out on job interviews. Most job applicants have no idea how many other people are in the running for the position they seek. This is why you need to play it smart. If you're interested in the position, let the employer know. Don't hide your feelings. Find out where you stand and remember, if they're as interested in you as you are in them, you've got room to negotiate terms and come to an amicable agreement.

Know What You Want, But Don't Get Greedy

Speaking of negotiations…although you do need to know what you want and be willing to fight for it, don't get greedy. I've seen far too many job applicants lose out on a great opportunity because they asked for too much. They knew the ball was in their court. They knew they would be a wonderful addition to the team, but they let it get to their head. Instead of working with the employer, and negotiating terms that would work for them both, they placed too much value on their self-worth and overstepped. Ultimately, the employer declined and moved on to other candidates.

Make Your Choice Based on the Right Reasons

So, make your choice based on the right reasons. Yes, money is important – essential, actually – but there are a lot of other aspects of a job just as important. Are you going to be able to do what you love? Is there an opportunity for growth? Does the company support continued education? Will the hours allow you ample work time, without causing you to become overworked? Are the people you will be working with friendly? How about the work environment?

All of these questions are important when it comes to finding the right job. You don't want to accept a position because it pays more, only to find out later it doesn't have the flexibility or benefits you need. Then, you'll just find yourself back in the position of looking for a new job. Make sure your decision is based on the right reasons.

A Good Work Environment Goes a Long Way

Speaking of the right reasons, I can't put enough emphasis on the fact a good work environment goes a long way. Let's say, for example, you are trying to decide between two positions. Both are in your field of interest and align with your skills. One pays a lot more, and is a tad bit closer to home, but the work environment (based on your working interview) has a high stress level and it doesn't seem like the staff work well together. The other position, while it pays less and is another 10 minutes from your house, seems like a better work environment. The staff are friendly, they are treated well, the patients seem to be happy with their services and you seem more comfortable. Which do you choose?

Well, think about how you'll feel in a few months or a year? If you are uncertain about the work environment now, why would you think it would improve over time? Trust your gut. You know what they say, "If you love what you do, you'll never work a day in your life". A good work environment gives you the space to love what you do.

In Summary

In summary, as long as you know what you want, don't waste any opportunities, play it smart, don't get greedy, make your choice based on the right reasons and remember, a good work environment goes a long way, you'll be better equipped to find the job ideally suited to you.

If you are currently looking for a position in either the Allied Healthcare or Dental industries, check out our current job listings, or contact Mya directly at 818-890-9998 to inquire about the services we offer.

Over the past two decades, The People Link has been successfully connecting qualified job seekers with employers looking to meet their hiring needs. We take pride in helping job seekers find their ideal job where they can put their skills to good use and thrive in their chosen field. We look forward to helping you.

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