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Allied Healthcare Applicants: Don’t Pass Up a Great Opportunity

Smiling dentist with patientAre you looking for a job in Allied Healthcare? Well, you’re in luck! Now is a good time to be job hunting in this particular field. Physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech language-pathologists, nurse practitioners, physician assistants and others are all still in high demand. Many small and large medical offices are seeking individuals with experience in Allied Healthcare in order to meet a growing demand. New grads are welcome in numerous places as well. More...

Hiring in Healthcare: Meeting an Urgent Demand

Despite the large number of people graduating with associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees in key fields of the healthcare industry, many employers are still finding themselves struggling to keep up with an urgent hiring demand for allied health professionals. More...

How to Expedite Your Job Search

While looking for a new job can be an extremely frustrating experience, your efforts will be more quickly rewarded if you do a little preparation ahead of time. This doesn’t mean you need to spend all of your free-time updating your resume and scanning job sites for potential employers. Of course “pounding the pavement” does tend to speed the process along, however I’ve got a few tips to help you expedite your job search. More...

Job Seeker Interview Tips You Need to Know

If you are in the market for a new job, it is important you know how to prepare for and what to do doing any interviews you may procure. While writing your resume may have seemed like the most daunting task, it is often just the first step in your job hunt and, in reality, is only used to get your foot in the door. Once you do that, your goal becomes selling yourself to a point where you receive one or more job offers. More...

The Importance of Checking References

Checking references is a vital part of the hiring process. While a candidate may look very good on paper, as most people will do what they can to highlight their positive qualities and make their resumes stand out, it is important to validate the information they provide. In fact, one of the only ways an employer often has of verifying the employment history, experience and skills listed on a resume is through a reference check. More...